1994 – 1995 Technical assistant on archaeological areas in public works sites, Municipality of Tortona – Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont
1995 Draftsman and Designer – Armani architecture studio – Piacenza
1996 -1997 Draftsman and Designer – Sacchi technical studio – Tortona (AL)
1997 – 2011 Architect and partner – ..&C. associated architecture studio
2011 – today Stefano Gilardone Architect – Design Studio
2018 – today: Collaboration activities with leading certification companies for the training and qualification of personnel relating to the activities regulated by the following UNi Standards: 11673, 11716, 11493, 11473
1993: Degree in Architecture
1993-2001: Assistant at the Degree Courses in Architectural Composition, Architectural Design and Typological Characteristics of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan
1994: Course in Museography and valorisation of cultural heritage at the Polytechnic of Milan
1995: Museology course at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Genoa
2019: Course in “Therapeutic Lanscape Design” at the Polytechnic of Milan
For detailed information on training and skills, download the Curriculum Vitae